Thursday, August 24, 2006

What Others Are Saying About the Chili Dog

"He's sooooooo cute"
-- Jessica A., Upper East Side NYC

"He is one freakin' cute ass pup"
-- Dan S., West Side NYC

"He's the cutest dog in [Madison Square] park. We've been looking at them all, but he's definitely the cutest"
-- Unknown

-- Pinjo, Harlem NYC

more to come...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Mommy Happy Not Smelly No More (13 weeks)

Stinky Little Dog Takes Bath (13 weeks)

Update: Toy Death Watch

Sad day for Heddy the Hedgehog. Cause of death: Chili chewed a hole in her head.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Croc Hunter! (13 weeks)

Big up to Nora!

This Pic looks like a FAKE!!! (12 weeks)

Almost Bedtime (11 weeks)

Nose Attack!!


(note to self: needs more training on the "no bite" command)

I Play Hide and Seek (10 weeks old)

Specialization: "Pancake" pose (also called "frog legs").

Sunday, August 06, 2006

New Friend

Chili and Chewbacca.